
My journey began around 10 years when I walked into a metaphysical store for the first time - it only escalated from there and since then I’ve been practicing spirit communication and sorcery for over 10 years. One can say I’m a jack of all spiritual trades but here’s what I focus my entire practice on.

I’m able to see and hear spirits - yes, you read that right! My life sometimes gets a little hectic from being able to see but I can easily communicate with spirits, deities, and the deceased.

I’m an initiated High Priestess to King Hades and devotee to the chthonic gods. I perform channeled readings on their behalf, keep a modern day necromanteion to educate on hellenism specifically the Underworld (Hades) help others connect, leave offerings and commune with the gods and perform ancient necromancy.

I’m an Italian American Folk Witch who educates on ancient Mediterranean practices between Italy and Greece, cures il malocchio (the evil eye) and shares my families Italian American practice. My Italian American practice spans several generations and mostly everything I have learned has come from my own ancestral practice and the study of Sicilian Folk Practice (where my family hails from).

I’m a working professional evidential psychic medium and have helped many people recieve messages and evidence from their deceased loved ones to heal and give closure to them and their families. I also take care of spirits who are lost and haven’t quite yet crossed over. My job is to understand spirits, entities, classifications of demons and more to assist the living especially in a haunting.



I have been drawn to the strange and unusual since I could walk! I would beg my mom to take me to cemeteries and have her read me what was written on the headstones. It was only amplified by learning ancient history and mythology.

From there, I followed my dream and now am an Archaeologist and Art Historian who specializes in Aegean Bronze Age weaponry and combat iconography in the Eastern Mediterranean. I graduated with my MA in 2018 and my Ph.D. in 2023.

My job is to help educate and re-educate others on topics of ancient history, mythology, and ancient religious practices while using archaeological and scientific evidence to mesh it all together.

When I am not working at Styx and Bones, you can catch me teaching my Sacred Space course at a University during the school year and traveling and working in the Mediterranean during the summer!

I have done excavations on Cyprus at the site of Ancient Idalion as well as working on Crete with museums doing study seasons, cataloging, and completing digital fresco reconstructions of the Throne Room at the Palace of Knossos.

My job is to teach and educate on these topics while making them accessible to all!